Afterschool Programs
Praise Dance:
Psalms 149:3 says, “Let them praise his name with dancing…Praise him with tambourine and dance…”
Students of all ages are welcome to join the St. Paul’s Hills and Mountains Praise Dance Team. Your child will discover how to use song and dance to glorify the Lord.

Art Club:
The St. Paul’s Art Club fosters children’s self-assurance and collaborative abilities. Children learn activities and are encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions, which gives them a true sense of control over the entire process.
Students in High School Prep will study a range of artists, including Keith Haring and Monet!

Book Club:
At St. Paul Lutheran School, we are dedicated to cultivating young leaders who appreciate the art of reading. Our book club serves as a platform for engaging discussions and intellectual development, allowing students to sharpen their analytical thinking. Together, we explore diverse viewpoints and deepen our understanding of literature.

Gardening Club:
This spring, students will have the unique opportunity to garden alongside the Principal! This initiative enriches our curriculum across various subjects, including science, math, social studies, and language arts. Gardening not only enhances academic performance but also encourages a healthy lifestyle and strengthens community bonds.