Early Childhood
- Understand that pictures and symbols have meaning.
- Understands the concept of books (i.e., front and back, turning pages, knowing where a story starts, and viewing page on left before page on right).
- Demonstrate understanding of print (i.e., words, letters, spacing between words, and left to right).
- Understand the concepts of phonological and phonemic awareness (i.e., segmenting and blending syllables and phonemes, and substituting sounds).
- Demonstrate alphabet knowledge (i.e., recognizes letters and their most common sounds).
- Read one syllable and high frequency words.
- Make predictions based on cover, title, and pictures.
- Connect text to prior experiences and knowledge.
Write to Communicate
- Write upper and lowercase letters.
- Write words based on how they sound, using initial consonants and some ending sounds.
- Begin to write simple sentences.
- Listen attentively to stories read aloud.
- Follow 2-3 step directions accurately.
- Respond appropriately to information and ideas conveyed orally.
Awareness of the world and the changes nature brings by studying growth, seasons, weather, senses, plants and animals.
Christian Education
Christian Education
Biblical stories are taught that stress that Jesus wants us to be a sharing, loving, caring and forgiving community of Christians.
Demonstrate Math Knowledge
- Identify numerals out of sequence through 20.
- Count forward from 1-100.
- Match the correct numeral with sets up to ten
- Solve simple math problems mentally, or by using objects, drawing pictures, etc.
- Make comparisons of quantities
- Measure objects using non-standard units.
- Construct and follow a daily schedule.
- Explore one-step addition and subtraction number sentences and word problems using objects such as pennies, counters, etc.
- Identify and name circle, square, triangle, and rectangle.
Arts and Music
Motor Skill Development
Is fostered through the use of crayons, pencils, scissors, toys, movement coordination in play and gym.
Consists of All Sing were students learn songs of the gospel. This enables them to worship our Lord and Savior through music.
Draw or paint the way they feel when they are happy, this allows our students to express themselves creatively by using crayons, paint, chalk, clay, markers, etc.
St. Paul provides early childcare programs for children aged 3 to 5 years, fostering a nurturing environment that supports their developmental needs while preparing them for future education.